Posts Tagged ‘businessmodel’

Bookmarks for April 30th through May 1st

These are my links for April 30th through May 1st: Liquide Demokratie statt Mauer-Taktik: Flüssiges Wissen | – das Beste aus Blogs, Videos, Musik und Web 2.0 – Mit den Möglichkeiten der Vernetzung im Web erhöht sich allerdings die Wahrscheinlichkeit enorm, auf kluge und weise Menschen zu stoßen, die einen hilfreichen Beitrag zu einem […]

Bookmarks for April 24th through April 29th

These are my links for April 24th through April 29th: Let Your Customers Optimize Your Website for You – At the moment, the term “personalization” is surrounded by confusion, mostly because it has evolved far beyond what it once was: product recommendations. It’s now much more sophisticated and can be automated to provide insight at […]

Bookmarks for April 23rd through April 24th

These are my links for April 23rd through April 24th: Our Social Media Strategy Framework | Third Wave GmbH – Over the last few years, we have been developing our own approach to developing social media strategies. First individually at our former agencies and jobs, and then through the last 1.5 years together, this framework […]

Bookmarks for April 18th through April 19th

These are my links for April 18th through April 19th: BVDW: 10 Thesen zur Zukunft von Social Media – Aktuelles / Medienbibliothek BVDW – Die Fachgruppe Social Media im Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. veröffentlicht zehn Thesen zur Zukunft von Social Media. Das Thesenpapier zeigt die wichtigsten Veränderungen für die Fachbereiche Marketing, PR, Vertrieb, Kundenservice […]

Bookmarks for April 16th through April 17th

These are my links for April 16th through April 17th: Blowing Raspberries | Dehype – Why target education? The intention of the project is to get kids excited about programming computers again in the same way the BBC Micro produced By Acorn did in the 1980s. It’s an attempt to get away from the pointless […]

Bookmarks for April 15th through April 16th

These are my links for April 15th through April 16th: Fragen und Antworten zu intelligenten Stromnetzen mit erneuerbaren Energien | energynet – Was sind intelligente Netze? In Diskussionen tauchen immer wieder verschiedene Vorstellungen über intelligente Stromnetze auf. Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Smart-Grid oder den intelligenten Netzen? Roxanna Samii blog: The real leadership lessons of […]

Pinboard bookmarks for April 15th

Pinboard links for April 15th, syndicated automagically: The Good Side of Quantifying Everything – Justin Fox – Harvard Business Review – We're all already supposed to know that taking small steps forward is key to getting things done in life and feeling good about it. What my running experience is teaching me, though, is how […]