Bookmarks for April 23rd through April 24th

These are my links for April 23rd through April 24th:

  • Our Social Media Strategy Framework | Third Wave GmbH – Over the last few years, we have been developing our own approach to developing social media strategies. First individually at our former agencies and jobs, and then through the last 1.5 years together, this framework has been iterated numerous times and has grown a bit more mature with every client we’ve worked with. It has been informed by countless insights and inspirations from all kinds of folks in the industry and beyond. We now feel it’s time to publish our approach to give back and open it up for more people to improve and advance it. The framework is meant as a guide, which helps us work through a process with our clients in a structured way. It tackles the questions, which help us define the answers that turn make up the strategy.
  • Tools for Organizing Thoughts – Reorganizing information is a function supported by software for managing personal information (PIMs, personal information managers), for requirements engineering, among others.
  • KM Links– Knowledge Management Links used by the ResearchersList of Knowledge Management Periodicals∞ at the Knowledge Management Resource Center
    List of Knowledge Management White Papers∞ at Executive Information Systems, Inc.

    Knowledge Management Organizations and Sites∞ Knowledge Management Consortium International∞ Association for Information and Image Management∞ Knowledge Management in the Federal Government∞ Knowledge Management Benchmarking Association∞ Knowledge Management Research Center∞ KM Think Tank: Brint Institute∞ Knowledge Board

  • Hackerspaceshop – The Hackerspaceshop was found in early 2012 by Florian ‘overflo’ Bittner with a lot of support from the community at metalab , a hackerspace in central Vienna, Austria.

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