Posts Tagged ‘development’

Bookmarks for April 30th through May 1st

These are my links for April 30th through May 1st: Liquide Demokratie statt Mauer-Taktik: Flüssiges Wissen | – das Beste aus Blogs, Videos, Musik und Web 2.0 – Mit den Möglichkeiten der Vernetzung im Web erhöht sich allerdings die Wahrscheinlichkeit enorm, auf kluge und weise Menschen zu stoßen, die einen hilfreichen Beitrag zu einem […]

Bookmarks for April 7th through April 8th

These are my links for April 7th through April 8th: Why Collaboration Often Fails and What to Do About It. | IdeaEconomy.Net – Big Ideas: Collaboration and creativity are big buzz words now but most businesses don’t really know how to collaborate or be creative. Collaborative efforts often produce mediocre results because ego gets in […]

Pinboard bookmarks for April 5th

Pinboard links for April 5th, syndicated automagically: Economics visualization && tutorial && infocharts && infoovercomplexity – wie der Titel schon sagt 😉 – Die Seite The Hacker Shelf ist eine wahre Fundgrube. Denn dort gibt es tonnenweise freie Literatur rund um die Themen Programmierung und Informatik nach verschiedenen Tags geordnet. Neben vielen Quellen zu […]

Pinboard bookmarks for April 5th

Pinboard links for April 5th, syndicated automagically: – Die Seite The Hacker Shelf ist eine wahre Fundgrube. Denn dort gibt es tonnenweise freie Literatur rund um die Themen Programmierung und Informatik nach verschiedenen Tags geordnet. Neben vielen Quellen zu Hochsprachen wie Python, kann man dort auch ausführliche Literatur zu eher technischen Themen wie der […]

Pinboard bookmarks for April 5th

Pinboard links for April 5th, syndicated automagically: Ludger Hovestadt – DigitalSTROM for Cities – why smart homes are not fit for mass market smart installations are 400% more expensive than conventional ones additional cabling complicates reconstruction 75% of the investment are labor costs high maintenance costs 1 node costs about 3W = 26 KWh/a = […]

Bookmarks for March 19th through March 20th

These are my links for March 19th through March 20th: The Hard Science of Teamwork – Alex "Sandy" Pentland – Harvard Business Review – patterns as a way of making sense of group behaviour (and I'd say emergent phenomena galore) "People should feel empowered by the idea of a science of team building, The idea […]

Pinboard bookmarks for February 27th

Pinboard links for February 27th, syndicated automagically: Google App Engine Blog: Announcing the General Availability of the Python 2.7 Runtime for App Engine – Today we’re happy to announce that this runtime has graduated from Experimental status and is a fully supported feature of App Engine. To get started, download the latest App Engine SDK for […]