Posts Tagged ‘teaching’

Bookmarks for April 24th through April 29th

These are my links for April 24th through April 29th: Let Your Customers Optimize Your Website for You – At the moment, the term “personalization” is surrounded by confusion, mostly because it has evolved far beyond what it once was: product recommendations. It’s now much more sophisticated and can be automated to provide insight at […]

Bookmarks for April 18th through April 19th

These are my links for April 18th through April 19th: BVDW: 10 Thesen zur Zukunft von Social Media – Aktuelles / Medienbibliothek BVDW – Die Fachgruppe Social Media im Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. veröffentlicht zehn Thesen zur Zukunft von Social Media. Das Thesenpapier zeigt die wichtigsten Veränderungen für die Fachbereiche Marketing, PR, Vertrieb, Kundenservice […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 7th

Pinboard links for December 7th, syndicated automagically: DIY drones – his is the home for everything about amateur Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Use the tabs and drop-down menus above to navigate the site. This community also created ArduPilot, the world's first universal autopilot (planes, copters of all sorts, ground rovers, boats). The ArduPilotMega autopilot hardware […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 7th

Pinboard links for December 7th, syndicated automagically: Bildung nach dem digitalen Klimawandel: Das Buch verdunstet in die Wolke – – Tatsächlich änderte sich dann in den Klassenzimmern aber gar nicht viel. Bis heute blieb es im Prinzip bei dem System, das sich Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts zusammen mit der industriell-bürokratischen Organisation herausgebildet hatte: Der […]