Posts Tagged ‘microsoft’

Pinboard bookmarks for March 4th

Pinboard links for March 4th, syndicated automagically: RB 192: Wikis, Teaching, and the Digital Divide | Berkman Center – Technology has made us all kinds of promises when it comes to transforming the way we learn — not least of which was the promise to break the "digital divide." The ease of communication promised by […]

Pinboard bookmarks for November 3rd

Pinboard links for November 3rd, syndicated automagically: Change Management is the Foundation of a Social Organization | Social Business News – The foundation for social organization transformation is culture and leadership. Process and technology initiatives are certainly important and play a vital role; but without a change in organizational behavior it will prove meaningless. Change […]

Microsoft’s Creative Destruction

No, this isn’t about “taking joy in Microsoft’s struggles” – why would I? Their products determine the working environment and corporate daily life of billions of people (Sharepoint, Word, Excel et al. ). But this is instructive for innovation managers, people thinking about the innovation of organizational systems and processes, and consultants alike. Dick Brass, […]

Apple, Google and Microsoft’s Size Problem

via I like the three derived strategies on slide 16 – they are sound, yet the underlying starting points and rationales are a bit flawed I think: 1. Open source OS are left out of the strategic analysis (and this has different implications for the contenders) – think of Jolicloud, UbuntuNetbookRemix, Moblin, and YES […]

Stumbled upon some innovation …

Simon Wardley tackles why innovation in most organisations “doesn’t seem to get an easy ride”: Reasons for this include a lack of experience with radical innovation projects at senior levels, a growing mismatch between R&D productivity and cost, and a disparity between how long innovation takes and the immediate demands for ROIs. Added to this […]

Innovation for and by multi-core businesses …

The KnowledgeForward blog notes this transcript on Microsofts innovation management practices (this is from a presentation Steve Ballmer gave at the Convergence 2007 conference in March). This talk also has some good thoughts that can be applied in regard to business model design and innovation – just think of the up-sides of being a fast […]

Apples Erfolgsgeheimnis

Simson Garfinkel in Technology Review über Apple: “Apples Erfolgsgeheimnis“, fast eine kleine Fallstudie, u.a. mit verschiedenen Einblicken auf veränderte Strategien und Kompetenzen, neu gestaltete bzw. modifizierte Geschäftsmodelle … […] Der traditionsreiche Computerhersteller versucht der Welt gleichzeitig klar zu machen, dass er kein IT-Konzern mehr ist, sondern eine Firma, die sich dem “digitalen Lifestyle” widmet. Ein […]