Posts Tagged ‘python’

Bookmarks for April 24th through April 29th

These are my links for April 24th through April 29th: Let Your Customers Optimize Your Website for You – At the moment, the term “personalization” is surrounded by confusion, mostly because it has evolved far beyond what it once was: product recommendations. It’s now much more sophisticated and can be automated to provide insight at […]

Bookmarks for April 16th through April 17th

These are my links for April 16th through April 17th: Blowing Raspberries | Dehype – Why target education? The intention of the project is to get kids excited about programming computers again in the same way the BBC Micro produced By Acorn did in the 1980s. It’s an attempt to get away from the pointless […]

Pinboard bookmarks for April 5th

Pinboard links for April 5th, syndicated automagically: – Die Seite The Hacker Shelf ist eine wahre Fundgrube. Denn dort gibt es tonnenweise freie Literatur rund um die Themen Programmierung und Informatik nach verschiedenen Tags geordnet. Neben vielen Quellen zu Hochsprachen wie Python, kann man dort auch ausführliche Literatur zu eher technischen Themen wie der […]

Pinboard bookmarks for April 5th

Pinboard links for April 5th, syndicated automagically: Economics visualization && tutorial && infocharts && infoovercomplexity – wie der Titel schon sagt 😉 – Die Seite The Hacker Shelf ist eine wahre Fundgrube. Denn dort gibt es tonnenweise freie Literatur rund um die Themen Programmierung und Informatik nach verschiedenen Tags geordnet. Neben vielen Quellen zu […]

auf die Merkliste gesetzt, vor allem wegen #python content :)

auf die Merkliste gesetzt, vor allem wegen #python content 🙂 Reshared post from +Jörg Kantel Embedded Link Hackbrett – Der Schockwellenreiter Die Seite The Hacker Shelf ist eine wahre Fundgrube. Denn dort gibt es tonnenweise freie Literatur rund um Programmierung und Informatik nach verschiedenen Tags geordnet. Neben vielen Quellen zu Hochs… Google+: View post on […]

Pinboard bookmarks for March 26th

Pinboard links for March 26th, syndicated automagically: AirDroid-Enjoy your Android Experience over the air – Transfer files to and from your device via web browser. Wireless operation via WiFi connection. Random pronounceable passwords − – If we mix 26 lower case letters, as many upper case, ten digits and a dozen of other symbols, […]

Bookmarks for March 22nd through March 23rd

These are my links for March 22nd through March 23rd: Display Twitter on an Arduino – Hack a Day – The SocialBot9000, as [Chris] calls his build, is an Arduino Uno connected to an Ethernet shield and an LCD character display. The firmware uses the Twitter API to search for recent posts containing the phrase, ‘socialbot9000.’ […]