Posts Tagged ‘adaptivity’

Pinboard bookmarks for November 30th

Pinboard links for November 30th, syndicated automagically: When Should You Migrate Your File Shares to SharePoint? – Yes, there are circumstances and scenarios where it makes sense to leave your file shares where they stand. For most organizations, it is a combination of factors rather than any single factor that drives this decision: typically, it's a large […]

Desire lines – powerful metaphor for emergence

via “the desire line — trails worn into a landscape that demonstrate the paths people want to take, not those that were laid down by the designer” Peter Merholz lays out some great, yet small in volume, thoughts on emergence, the need for nimble design (and adptiveness – be it in terms of business […]

The World’s Top R&D Spenders

… new mp3 podcast by BusinessWeek — Innovation of the Week: Barry Jaruzelski, a partner at Booz & Co., discusses the findings in the fourth annual Global Innovation 1000 survey of the world’s top spenders in corporate R&D, and why it’s important to invest in new products during a recession. Yes, right, products but let’s […]

Das Schlimmste [für einen Konzern] sind Leute mit einem angeblich gesicherten Wissen

Schöner Titel, stammt aber nicht von mir, sondern von Michael Ringier, gefallen in einem Interview in der FAZ mit dem Titel „In der digitalen Welt stochern wir alle im Nebel“. Ringier glaubt nicht, dass irgendein Zeitungs- oder Zeitschriftenkonzern schon den Königsweg gefunden hat. „Mit unserem Unwissen bewegen wir uns im großen Tross aller Medienhäuser. Alle […]

Stumbled upon some innovation …

Simon Wardley tackles why innovation in most organisations “doesn’t seem to get an easy ride”: Reasons for this include a lack of experience with radical innovation projects at senior levels, a growing mismatch between R&D productivity and cost, and a disparity between how long innovation takes and the immediate demands for ROIs. Added to this […]

Levels of creativity – is there a strategy tax?

Via Philipp I learned of this video interview at CNN with Bret Taylor on his “present at Friendfeed and his past at Google” (Ex-Google Employee on Scaling an Organization): As Google gets bigger, innovation becomes harder and more costly, says former engineer. Philipp has made a transcript of the interview, I marked up some of […]

BPEL – Open Source Workflow Management

Eine recht gut besuchte OSMB-Session, “Open Source Workflow Management mit BPEL” mit Gerd Jan Tschöpe von Tarent. Der Kontext ist es IT-gestützte Geschäftsprozesse schnell wandelbar zu machen, d.h. flexibel an geänderte Gegebenheiten anzupassen. […] Service-Orientierten Architekturen stellen Software-Funktionen als Dienste bereit. […] Komplexe Geschäftsabläufe werden als Verkettungen von Diensten und Interaktionen modelliert. […] ad hoc […]