Posts Tagged ‘homeautomation’

Pinboard bookmarks for April 21st

Pinboard links for April 21st, syndicated automagically: RGB Led Matrix – prototyp mit einem rainbowduino – LED Anfänger Forum – – Ich habe mich in letzter Zeit ziehmlich mit dem Thema LED Matrix beschäftigt, hauptsächlich mit dem Rainbowduino RGB Led controller von Seeedstudio. Dieser Treiber steuert eine common anode 8×8 rgb led matrix an. […]

Pinboard bookmarks for April 15th

Pinboard links for April 15th, syndicated automagically: The Good Side of Quantifying Everything – Justin Fox – Harvard Business Review – We're all already supposed to know that taking small steps forward is key to getting things done in life and feeling good about it. What my running experience is teaching me, though, is how […]

Bookmarks for April 7th through April 8th

These are my links for April 7th through April 8th: Why Collaboration Often Fails and What to Do About It. | IdeaEconomy.Net – Big Ideas: Collaboration and creativity are big buzz words now but most businesses don’t really know how to collaborate or be creative. Collaborative efforts often produce mediocre results because ego gets in […]

Pinboard bookmarks for April 7th

Pinboard links for April 7th, syndicated automagically: Discovergy : Start – Werden Sie Kunde bei Discovergy und leben Sie in der schönen Gewißheit, daß Sie nie mehr zu viel für Ihren Strom bezahlen müssen – und lernen Sie gleichzeitig, der Umwelt etwas Gutes zu tun, indem Sie den CO2-Ausstoß Ihres Haushalts dauerhaft senken.

Pinboard bookmarks for April 5th

Pinboard links for April 5th, syndicated automagically: Ludger Hovestadt – DigitalSTROM for Cities – why smart homes are not fit for mass market smart installations are 400% more expensive than conventional ones additional cabling complicates reconstruction 75% of the investment are labor costs high maintenance costs 1 node costs about 3W = 26 KWh/a = […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 10th

Pinboard links for December 10th, syndicated automagically: – home – Stromverbrauch im Überblick ist ein freies Smart Meter im Selbstbau. Der Nutzer behält dabei die vollständige Kontrolle über die anfallenden Strom, Wasser & Gaskosten

Pinboard bookmarks for November 3rd

Pinboard links for November 3rd, syndicated automagically: Change Management is the Foundation of a Social Organization | Social Business News – The foundation for social organization transformation is culture and leadership. Process and technology initiatives are certainly important and play a vital role; but without a change in organizational behavior it will prove meaningless. Change […]