Posts Tagged ‘connectivity’

Keen on … Connectivity

Found via Marcel – and celebrating the culture of sharing – an episode of the Andrew Keen channel (TechCrunchTV seems like a thing to watch … just look at this).

Digital Nomads

Steve Rubel reflects on the growing independence of knowledge workers in the network economy and sees the rise of “digital nomads”: If you spend as much time on the road as I do, you’re likely to run into Digital Nomads. This sector of the workforce includes both independents and corporate workers. They use web-based tools […]

Hyperconnectivity, the IT concept of Agility and the Geek Squad

Listened to the new digital business podcast, interesting mix and I just love the english accents: Randy Mott on streamlining the technology at Hewlett Packard; John Roese, Nortel’s CTO discusses hyperconnectivity; Ade McCormack explains the IT concept of Agility; and the head of GeekSquad tells us why his agents wear white shirts and black […]

The starfish and the spider

Tonight I participated in a book presentation by Rod A. Beckström on The Starfish and the Spider (side event at the Web 2.0 Expo Berlin). He started off with his motivation for writing this book, 9/11. Yes, Al-Quaida is an archetypical network, and mapping this decentralized network is quite a task. Social Network Analysis shows […]

Interview on Strategic Innovation

Alex Osterwalder of Arvetica published today a video interview with (technology management) professor Bill Fischer of Lausanne’s IMD on (strategic) innovation. I encourage you to drop by their site and have a look at this nicely done interview, which btw also sheds light on some of the issues that govern business model innovation: In the […]

Roger Martin on business model design thinking

Everything’s connected, especially in this little world of business model design thinking. Both Ralf Beuker and Alex Osterwalder pointed me to this video interview with Roger Martin, Dean of the Rotman Business School (publishing a fine journal as well, see e.g. here, for BMID-design-coverage see more here or here). … where he talks about innovation, […]

Innovation for and by multi-core businesses …

The KnowledgeForward blog notes this transcript on Microsofts innovation management practices (this is from a presentation Steve Ballmer gave at the Convergence 2007 conference in March). This talk also has some good thoughts that can be applied in regard to business model design and innovation – just think of the up-sides of being a fast […]