Posts Tagged ‘decision-making’

Nurturing organizational judgment

Insights on decision making processes and policies at Pixar – via the HBS Tom Davenport blog several factors matter: Its managers give its directors a lot of autonomy. Even though directors have autonomy, they get feedback from others. Pixar uses a process for “postmortems” on the major aspects of movies after they’re completed. Pixar admits […]

Machtmenschen, mangelnde Einsichtigkeit und große Fehler

Via IDW: In Ausgabe 2007-3 von Wirtschaftspsychologie (“Soft Skills im Führungskontext”) ist ein Beitrag des Wirtschaftsspychologen Scholl über Machtmenschen, mangelnde Einsichtigkeit und große Fehler: Personen in hohen Positionen ruinieren ihren Erfolg häufig selbst. Den Zyklus skizziert Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Scholl von der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: “Zunächst sind es Wissen, Können, Geschicklichkeit und Wille zur Macht, […]

A Methodology for Complex Problems

Dave Pollard presents take three of his Methodology for Complex Problems: The great challenge we have in any open, self-managed process is that the more informed you are about a subject, the more likely you are to have already formed conclusions about approaches and even answers to the problems it presents. There are seven steps, […]

The Rotman Risk Issue

Via Diego Rodriguez c/o metacool I’ve learned about the new issue of the Rotman School of Management Magazine (current pdf). This is an immensely interesting issue. While questions of risk (management) are the main theme, it pokes much deeper from there, touching problems of human decision making, organizational pathologies and much more. Moreover there are […]

Stepping through the looking glass … some follies, some wisdom

On a TGIF night everything’s OK, so get ready for some light food for thought, and some more “organizational pathologies” … Carmine Coyote c/o Slow Leadership calls for leaders to try something new in management, because Pragmatism is fine for second-rate businesses handling commodity products, but that route will never win long-term market leadership. Visionary […]

CEO Technology Guide: Prediction Markets

Businessweek has an interesting collection of articles about prediction markets, seen as means to make better decisions (in complex situations) after all. Prediction markets are speculative markets created for the purpose of aggregating information and forecasting future events. This is cool, but I fear that all this introductory stuff (like the podcast ‘CEO guide to […]

Fehlentscheider im Management

Interessant, aber nicht überraschend – oder? Erst der schnelle Entschluss macht den Manager zum Chef. Denkt der Manager – und irrt. Zudem fällt es offenbar einem Fünftel der Firmenchefs schwer, dem “Entscheider”-Klischee zu entsprechen. Entscheidungsfallen, begrenzte Rationalität, die Unfähigkeit in komplexen Situationen den Durchblick oder den Überblick zu behalten sind nicht erst seit Dörner u.a. […]