Pinboard bookmarks for November 3rd

Pinboard links for November 3rd, syndicated automagically:

  • Change Management is the Foundation of a Social Organization | Social Business News – The foundation for social organization transformation is culture and leadership. Process and technology initiatives are certainly important and play a vital role; but without a change in organizational behavior it will prove meaningless. Change starts from the top and it’s the leaders that are responsible for facilitating this change.
  • aptgetupdateDE » Mein neues Zu-Hause-NAS: Synology DS411 – In der engeren Auswahl hatte ich Lösungen von Q-NAP und eben Synology. Entscheidend am Ende war für mich der Preis. Ich wollte für mein NAS ohne Festplatten nicht mehr als 400€ zahlen. Die DS411 (DS steht übrigens für DiskStation und die 4 für max. 4 Festplatten und 11 für das Jahr der Herstellung) passte mit ca. 380€ preislich sehr gut in den Rahmen. Die Hardware-technisch vergleichbare Lösung von Qnap – die Qnap TS-419P+ lag mit ca. 425€ leider ein wenig drüber. Vorteil bei der Qnap wäre auf jeden Fall das Gehäuse mit Display und die Möglichkeit, die Festplatten per Hot-Swap einzubauen bzw. zu wechseln. Da ich aber nicht vorhabe, so schnell meine Festplatten-Konfiguration zu ändern und es auch bei der DS411 nicht wirklich unpraktisch ist, habe ich mich neben anderen Gründen gegen die Qnap- und für die Synology Lösung entschieden.
  • Why Microsoft’s Vision Of The Future Is Dead On Arrival | Co. Design – I have a problem with the Microsoft video because of its content. What they aspire to be is Apple, as usual. This video is like a chart where you take the current Apple product lineup and project out 10 years with a ruler, assuming the products stay the same but gain even richer features.
  • Nanode – a low cost, internet connected Arduino board | Ian Chilton – Back in August 2010, an Electronics Engineer from the UK called Ken Boak wrote that he had built a web connected Arduino for £12 and later shared the schematic.

    These posts became the basis of a whole new product he would create which is known as the “Nanode”. Nanode is short for “Network Application Node” and is an open source, low cost Arduino board with built in Ethernet courtesy of the Microchip ENC28J60 chip. Over 1000 Nanode’s have been sold in the past few months.

  • The Impermanence of Knowledge | Energy Bulletin – Abstract

    Knowledge is essential to our existence. Without knowledge life is almost impossible. So we need to care about what we know. In the recent past mankind has managed to collect enormous amounts of knowledge. This era is now nearing its end. For knowledge is, perhaps surprisingly, intimately connected with energy. We are at present in for a severe energy crisis, which translates into a knowledge crisis. In other words: the science boom is over. But not only will it be next to impossible to continue increasing our knowledge, even keeping the knowledge we already have will become a great challenge.

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