Pinboard bookmarks for April 21st

Pinboard links for April 21st, syndicated automagically:

  • RGB Led Matrix – prototyp mit einem rainbowduino – LED Anfänger Forum – – Ich habe mich in letzter Zeit ziehmlich mit dem Thema LED Matrix beschäftigt, hauptsächlich mit dem Rainbowduino RGB Led controller von Seeedstudio. Dieser Treiber steuert eine common anode 8×8 rgb led matrix an. das schöne: jeder controller hat ein i2c/spi/uart anschluss (man kann beliebige matricen hinzufügen), das negative: software pwm. nichts desto trotz, habe ich die rainbowduino firmware aufgemotzt und dazu eine einfach library für Processing geschrieben, damit man das teil auch einfach ansteuern kann. ich wollte mich natürlich mit einer 8x8cm "grossen" led matrix zufrieden geben, daher baute ich mir selber eine grössere. Das ganze habe ich in meinem blog dokumentiert, hier ein screenshot der matrix ohne diffuser:
  • The Pwn Plug is a little white box that can hack your network – Built by a startup company called Pwnie Express, the Pwn Plug is pretty much the last thing you ever want to find on your network—unless you've hired somebody to put it there. It's a tiny computer that comes preloaded with an arsenal of hacking tools. It can be quickly plugged into any computer network and then used to access it remotely from afar. And it comes with "stealthy decal stickers"—including a little green flowerbud with the word "fresh" underneath it, that makes the device look like an air freshener—so that people won't get suspicious.
  • Five alternatives to Raspberry Pi | Linux User – Tired of waiting for Raspberry Pi? With delay after delay, and no fixed release date in sight, maybe it’s time to look for an alternative

    The Raspberry Pi is no doubt a very exciting device, with an unmatched ratio of size, power, and value. However, after months of delays and false starts ranging from manufacturing problems to certification issues, the open source wonder board hasn’t actually been delivered to those who have bought it, or would love to buy it. All is not lost though, as there are several alternatives available that might just pique your interest.

  • Eine Box für alle | Technology Review – Eric Wilhelm, Gründer des Webdienstes – auf dem Konstruktionspläne für offene Hardware angeboten werden –, ist jedoch optimistisch. Ninja Blocks könnten für alle interessant sein, die ein einfaches, konkretes Problem haben, dass sich mit bisherigen Systemen nicht kostengünstig lösen ließ – etwa eine SMS zu erhalten, wenn die Post ein Paket vor der Tür abgelegt hat. Michael Nelson von der Georgetown University glaubt gar, dass die Ninja Blocks den "Hype um das Internet der Dinge“ entscheidend weitertreiben könnten. Er hat sich bereits eine der bunten Kistchen bestellt, zusammen mit fünf Sensoren, einem WLAN-Dongle und einer Webcam. Die 265 Dollar hat Nelson nicht angelegt, weil er sich von seinem Ninja Block die Lösung von Alltagsproblemen erhofft. „Ich kann nun anfangen nachdenken, wie man Probleme löst."
  • EEBus: Miele einigt sich auf gemeinsamen Standard zum Thema Smart Grid – – EEBus ist ein Vernetzungskonzept, welches die Energiewirtschaft mit intelligenten Abnehmern vernetzt. Dabei werden unterschiedliche Technologien eingesetzt. Bei dem Standard werden bereits existierende in ein einheitliches technologisches Konzept gebracht. Initiative EEBus wird in Kürze präsentiert In Kürze wird die Initiative EEBus vorgestellt. Miele hat daran entscheidend mitgearbeitet; ebenso die anderen Gründungsmitglieder Gira, ABB/Busch Jaeger, Vaillant, SMA, E.G.O., Landis+Gyr, Jung, Kofler Energies, Kellendonk und der Branchenverband VDE. Die Initiative hat zum Ziel, EEBus als offenes Vernetzungs-Konzept von Smart Grid und Smart Home weiterzuentwickeln und am internationalen Markt zu etablieren. Laut Miele wurden bereits mehrere Geräte veräußert, die mit "SG ready"-Stickern (Smart Grid ready), versehen wurden
  • Irving Wladawsky-Berger: Design Principles for Complex, Unpredictable, People Oriented Systems – I found the best explanation for the growing importance of design in a short, elegant article in The Economist, Design Takes Over, by Paola Antonelli, senior curator for architecture and design at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. “There are still people who believe that design is just about making things, people and places pretty.  In truth, design has spread like gas to almost all facets of human activity, from science and education to politics and policymaking.  For a simple reason: one of design’s most fundamental tasks is to help people deal with change.” “Designers stand between revolutions and everyday life.  When the internet happened, they created interfaces with buttons and hyperlinks that enabled us all to use it.  Designers make disruptive innovations manageable and approachable, so that they can be embraced and assimilated into life.  And they never forget functionality and elegance. . . Design is moving centre-stage in the eternal human quest to make beauty out of necessity.” Design principles are particularly applicable to problems that are socio-technical in nature, that is, they involve people and technology, having to deal both with complex technical, business and societal infrastructures and human behaviors.  They are critical for dealing with the Grand Challenge problems we are facing in the 21st century, including health care, urbanization, education, energy, finance, and job creation.   What do we mean by applying design principles to complex, unpredictable, people oriented systems and problems?  Let me discuss three such principles based on my personal experiences.
  • Innovating User Value – The Interrelations of Business Model Innovation, (Service) Design Thinking and the Production of Meaning | Service Design Network – Abstract
    We live in a hyper-competitive world, where whole industries either shift towards services or become obsolete due to new market entrants, technologies or even social practices. A world, where permanent interactions with customers, fast time-to-market, and the ability to innovate »right« (e.g. the right thing or value) are the key to corporate success. On that score the business sphere isn't getting tired of emphasising the need for strategic innovation (which means »creating superior customer value«, business model innovations or even the disruption and creation of new markets). This paper uncovers some of the often overlooked links of design (design thinking, design-driven innovation and service design) to strategic innovation through the lens of »customer value«. It will do so by …   Disenchanting the big corporate rhetoric on above claims by showing that prevailing and too one-sided understandings of strategy and innovation, rather reinforce than escape old industry paradigms.   Examining designs still undervalued contributions to strategy-making by approaching business challenges with a user/value-centric and radical service logic.   Showing that every dimension of strategic innovation culminates in the concept of perceived user value and meaning, which gets reviewed in detail (dimensions, forms, properties), especially with regards to constructing value propositions.   Arguing that the current service design and business model innovation discourses cannot be negotiated separately, as they may be good methodological complements.   So when speaking about the innovation of value for the customer, the paper argues, the above stated and seemingly separated fields intersect. Therefore their most apparent systemic connections and the facilitation of value creation by design are outlined and discussed.
  • Trading Off Speed and Novelty in Innovation Networks « Innovation Leadership Network – Something that immediately occurred to me after reading this article was that in rapdidly moving and complex innovation environments (radical innovation), organizations must invest in building social capital between employees at the frontline of the innovation process. Here, taking time out from the desk to talk and make connections is core to business success. On the other hand, a business based on continuous improvement in a mature industry can benefit from fostering brokers to bridge different communities. This goes back to another long term theme on this blog. Networks aren’t an end in themselves, they are part of your strategy execution. First be clear on the strategy then create the networks that you need to deliver the strategy.

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