Pinboard bookmarks for April 5th

Pinboard links for April 5th, syndicated automagically:

  • Ludger Hovestadt – DigitalSTROM for Cities – why smart homes are not fit for mass market smart installations are 400% more expensive than conventional ones additional cabling complicates reconstruction 75% of the investment are labor costs high maintenance costs 1 node costs about 3W = 26 KWh/a = ca 4 €/a
  • digitalSTROM / Developer – Developers' pages Welcome to the digitalSTROM server software developers' pages. The dSS software was first published at Linux day 2009 as a pre-release. The 0.7.5 version was released at the dSS Developer Day on 15 January 2010. The software is released under GNU General Public License 3 (GPLv3). There is also a closed source license available for digitalSTROM alliance members. A contributors agreement defines the terms under which bugfixes and modifications can be submitted. Subscribe to the dss-announce mailing list to stay up-to-date with news on digitalSTROM open source topics. Developers can subscribe to dss-developer to exchange ideas.
  • Emerald | Online Information Review | Intention to Adopt Knowledge through Virtual Communities: Posters vs. Lurkers – Purpose – This study examines the social capital and technical determinants of knowledge adoption intention in virtual communities and compares the differences between posters and lurkers. Design/methodology/approach – An online survey was conducted with a total valid sample of 318 virtual community participants for a structural equation model test. Findings – The structural and cognitive social capital, peer influence, and perceived usefulness positively contribute to virtual community participants’ attitudes and intentions toward knowledge adoption. Lurkers’ attitudes are more influenced by network tie, reciprocity norm, shared vision, and perceived usefulness, whereas posters are more affected by social trust and shared language. Research limitations/implications – The results produced in the Chinese context may not fully apply to other cultures. Practical implications – Devising effective strategies to grow social capital and content value is crucial for fostering virtual community members’ positive attitudes toward knowledge adoption.
  • Internetworking | Ein weiterer WordPress-Blog – Ja, ein neuer Blog. Ein Blog, nicht über persönliche Befindlichkeiten und Gedanken, nicht über gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen oder politische Ereignisse, sondern ein Blog über die Internet-Technologie, eine Technologie, die neben unserer physikalischen Welt eine zweite, von den Gesetzen der Schwerkraft weitgehend befreite, digitale Welt hat entstehen lassen. In dieser neuen digitalen Internet-Welt gewinnen die Dinge unserer alltäglichen Erfahrungswelt eine neue, eine zweite Existenz, die mit diesen Dingen wie Schatten, schwerelos und anderen physikalischen Gesetzen gehorchend, verwoben sind. Losgelöst und eigentümlich eigenständig können diese Schatten unserer eigenen physikalischen Existenz, unserer Ideen und Gedanken in Worten, Bildern oder Videos, annähernd mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit um die Welt geschickt, in Interaktion mit den digitalen Schatten Anderer, von Freunden oder Kollegen treten. Es eröffnen sich zuvor nie dagewesene Potenziale für neue zwischenmenschliche Kommunikationsformen, gesellschaftliche Partizipation und profitable wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten. Und das alles, dank einer Technologie, der Internet-Technologie.
  • Knowledge You Have, Knowledge You Want & Knowledge You Need « KMbeing – Science isn’t just about providing answers and creating new knowledge – science is about the ongoing process of asking questions to gain more knowledge to ask more questions to gain more knowledge to ask more questions… Knowledge continues to evolve as an ongoing process. On a more holistic level that is inclusive of everyone – this is Knowledge Mobilization (KMb), with everyone sharing the knowledge they have and continuing to ask questions with anyone they meet to constantly evolve knowledge for social beneift – and utltimately make the world a better place.
  • References+ von Siemens BT: Die Fallstudie auf e20cases – References+ ist eine Web-Anwendung zum weltweiten Austausch von Wissen, Erfahrungen und Best-Practices innerhalb des Siemens-Intranets. Nicht die IT-Anwendung als solche, sondern die derzeit ca. 8.100 Mitglieder umfassende Nutzer-Community bildet den Hauptfokus zum effizienten Wissensaustausch. Im Sinne von „Social Networking“ möchte References+ Siemens-Mitarbeitende über organisatorische, hierarchische und geographische Grenzen hinweg vernetzen und diese zur direkten Kommunikation untereinander animieren. Es kann beobachtet werden, dass der dadurch initiierte Wissenstransfer nicht nur über die Anwendung, sondern auch parallel dazu über rein bilaterale Kommunikation stattfindet.
  • Do Posh People Cheat More Than the Lower Classes? — PsyBlog – The results were pretty clear. Overall about a third of drivers failed to stop for pedestrians, but it was those in the most expensive cars that were disproportionately represented amongst the discourteous drivers. About 30% of drivers in the cheapest cars failed to stop compared with over 45% of those in the most expensive cars. Piff and colleagues then retired to the laboratory to see if they could catch upper class people cheating more than the lower classes on other sorts of tests. Sure enough, they could: "…upper-class individuals were more likely to exhibit unethical decision-making tendencies (study 3), take valued goods from others (study 4), lie in a negotiation (study 5), cheat to increase their chances of winning a prize (study 6), and endorse unethical behavior at work (study 7) than were lower-class individuals."
  • Communicate to Connect | Leader’s Beacon – High-quality connections are truly magical! No question about it-the ability to be on someone’s wavelength, to be in tune with each other’s needs, and to clearly communicate ideas is the lifeblood of quality connections. To create them, you must take care to constantly monitor the quality of your communications. Good communication is a balance of honoring your own needs as well as the needs of others. Building and maintaining positive connections means getting to the heart of what people want and need, as represented by the acronym HEART. . These qualities help to cultivate respect, and build positive and productive relationships by respecting our mutual needs to be:


  • Collaborative BPM: Key components for success – TIPS FOR SUCCESS WITH COLLABORATIVE BPM In terms of managing the human element, Palmer says it is vital to have someone to assist the process. But he emphasizes that the person filling that role should function as a facilitator, rather than as a dictator. “You will never achieve a situation where everyone is equal in the process, but you need someone to focus on democratizing it as much as possible,” he says.
  • Innovative initiatives and challenges on management – 1- Eliminate the pathologies of the formal hierarchy
    2- Redefine the work of leadership
    3- Reduce fear and increase trust.
    4- Expand and exploit diversity
    5- Expand the scope of employee autonomy.
    6- Create an internal market for ideas, talent and resources

    These are some of the challenges that will be released every day if we want that the ideas overcome barriers due to its implementation. The bet on creativity has to be done and win.

  • Netz-IQ: In der Gruppe intelligenter als einzeln | doubleYUU GmbH & Co. KG – Auf der einen Seite kluge Gruppe, auf der anderen Seite der tumbe Mob? Wie ist diese Diskrepanz zu erklären? Für ihre Untersuchung nutzten die Forscher einen Intelligenztest, der auf abstrakt logischem Denken basiert, die soziale Intelligenz wird also nicht  gemessen. Daher lässt sich die vermeintliche Gruppenintelligenz nicht auf gesellschaftliche Fragen übertragen. Das Web 2.0, in diesem Fall Facebook, bietet vielen die Möglichkeit als „Opinion Leader“ aufzutreten und Gruppen zu bilden. Diese Gruppen sind zwar ähnlich, wie in der Untersuchung von Microsoft, homogen; befassen sich aber mit Fragestellung bei denen es nicht darum geht logisch zu denken sondern zwischen gesellschaftlich falsch und richtig zu entscheiden. Das ist in der Gruppe genauso komplex, wie für eine einzelne Person, egal ob off- oder online.
  • 9 Powerful Free Infographic Tools To Create Your Own Infographics – DATA VISUALIZATION – Here is a handy short guide to nine free infographic creation tools that can be utilized to create enticing visuals, word charts and data-based infographics without having special technical skills.
  • UX Design as a Two-Way Conversation | UX Magazine – Human–computer interaction as a two-way conversation is not a new idea. George Lakoff famously wrote that we are able to understand complex concepts through metaphor; in this case, the metaphor is “interacting with a computer is having a conversation with a person.” Voice recognition software like Siri or customer service IVR systems attempts to bring this metaphor to life by allowing you to actually speak to a computer and have it talk back (even if sometimes we find ourselves screaming “I want to talk to a human!” into the phone). And Luke Wroblewski has written in detail about how forms that phrase questions in natural language tend to work better than forms that speak in computer-ese. This is partly because these types of forms are immediately understandable as a two-way conversation.
  • CK2C Communities Guide – home – Capitalizing Knowledge, Connecting Communities (CK2C) Communities Manual Welcome! CK2C and have developed this online manual to support communities and collaboration. CK2C is a US Agency for International Development project to strengthen knowledge sharing and learning in natural resources management. We have compiled the resources on this site from the US Agency for International Development , building from the "Communties@USAID Technical Guide" and other sources, as a one-stop manual for starting, maintaining and closing down online communities. It is a work in progress and we are looking for feedback. For comments or to request permission to edit pages – please write to
  • Chief Why Officer « Big Men On Content – sdwoodford: Big Men on Content | Chief Why Officer Thx @ldallasBMOC #in

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