Posts Tagged ‘Knowledge Management’

Minimal Impact KM

Have another sunday treat? Try this one, video with Dr. David Vaine who in his video address to the actKM Conference adresses all participants and especially “my good friend Dennis (sic!) Snowden” (and David Greenteen too, sic!) – found via Mary Abraham and Green Chameleon: […] minimal impact KM touts the benefits of doing a […]

Kreativwirtschaft Region Stuttgart: rund ums Bosch-Areal

Die Anmeldung zum BarCamp Stuttgart in den Räumen der MFG im Boschareal läuft – auf dass sich die lokale mit der verteilten Kreativwirtschaft vernetze … Apropos Wissensnetzwerke, am 18. und 19. November 2008 finden quasi nebenan in der Stuttgarter Liederhalle zum vierten Mal die Stuttgarter Wissensmanagement-Tage unter dem Motto “Wissen verbindet” statt. Schwerpunkthemen der Veranstaltung […]

Open Source Jahrbuch 2008

Das Open Source Jahrbuch 2008 der Technischen Universität Berlin hat einen interessanten Untertitel: “Zwischen freier Software und Gesellschaftsmodell”. Verspricht ein aktueller Einblick in die Gedankenwelt der OpenSource-Community zu werden, die ja für viel mehr als für quelloffene Software steht. Ein paar “Anspieltips”, die zumindest ich mir zuerst anschauen werde: In Kapitel 2 “Von der Innovation […]

Doing a Workshop in Bangkok for APO

Little posting activity right now, sorry about that. Anyway, it’s an really interesting project I’m on right now, and I will surely report some of the learnings. I am attending a workshop on business model innovation and design and knowledge management organized by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) together with the Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI) in […]

Storytellers make up the skills gap

“Storytelling is energising for companies. It gives employees a chance to feel something about their brand and shows them how they can contribute to the story, which has to be good.” Nothing new, but interesting to see that the Financial Times gets on the storytelling bandwagon, i.e. the use of stories for fostering innovation and […]

Wikis (and other tools) in collaborative knowledge work

E-Mail is increasingly replaced by collaboration software like wikis and blogs, one thing that I have been pondering off lately (and thanks to Rod for triggering this off …) are the user acceptance/change management/etc. issues that rise when this stuff is implemented … While the fast adaptors on the web are digging (no pun intended) […]

Knowledge management still going strong …

… as knowledge management solutions are now the most important strategic technologies for large companies, according to a new report and survey of European executives (research by Economist Intelligence Unit) […] despite huge investments in corporate IT, executives currently feel unable to exploit large amounts of corporate information. Two-thirds of companies in the survey complain […]