Posts Tagged ‘workshop’

Business model innovation platform, book and workshops

DE: Ankündigung eines Geschäftsmodellinnovations-Workshops von Alex Osterwalder, und ein paar Worte zur kollaborativen Plattform auf der sein neuestes Buch entsteht. My friend and consulting peer Alexander Osterwalder is organising a business model innovation workshop at Geneva on the 22. (you might ponder Mumbai or Bangalore, India as well, he’s there end of January). This is […]

Doing a Workshop in Bangkok for APO

Little posting activity right now, sorry about that. Anyway, it’s an really interesting project I’m on right now, and I will surely report some of the learnings. I am attending a workshop on business model innovation and design and knowledge management organized by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) together with the Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI) in […]