Posts Tagged ‘business-intelligence’

Open Source Meets Business, third day

There haven’t been too many posts in regard to the Open Source meets Business Conference by now. Well, it hasn’t ended yet and we might see some more reports over the weekend. So I will scan the blogosphere for write-ups and more, and add them here. One thing I noticed is this blog post by […]

Knowledge management still going strong …

… as knowledge management solutions are now the most important strategic technologies for large companies, according to a new report and survey of European executives (research by Economist Intelligence Unit) […] despite huge investments in corporate IT, executives currently feel unable to exploit large amounts of corporate information. Two-thirds of companies in the survey complain […]

Unternehmensübernahmen sind ein Härtetest für die IT …

… unter anderem weil die Komplexität der IT-Systeme hoch ist … und für (fundierte und) schnelle Entscheidungen in der komplexeren Post-Merger-Situation neue (IT-)Werkzeuge benötigt werden. [Ein] Planungsinstrument [das] in der Lage ist, die an den verschiedensten Orten und in unterschiedlichsten Tochtergesellschaften anfallenden Daten schnell zusammenzufassen, aufzubereiten und zu analysieren. Business Intelligence (BI) und Business Performance […]

Complex Software is old school …

Paul Wahl who has worked for Siebel and SAP (yes, CEO of SAP America) is pointing the finger at monstrous, huge corporate software programs that are overly complex, frightfully expensive and take a hell of a lot of time and money to install (and implement in the organization as well) … “Current software is too […]