Doing a Workshop in Bangkok for APO

Little posting activity right now, sorry about that. Anyway, it’s an really interesting project I’m on right now, and I will surely report some of the learnings.

I am attending a workshop on business model innovation and design and knowledge management organized by Asian Productivity Organization (APO) together with the Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI) in Bangkok, Thailand.

In fact I am not only attending but designed and delivered the first two of five days of lecturing and activities. I will share some of the slides from my presentation deck on Slideshare when I am done and back to normal mode of operation, which in effect means after another two weeks of family holiday in Denmark …

  1. […] in Denmark, and I finally found time to put some of the pictures together that I took during my Bangkok assignment. I’ve got a lot more to share, email me if you’re interested … (valid only for […]

  2. […] David Vaine of Apparently KM has been an instant hit when I introduced him to the audience at the Workshop on Knowledge Management Implementation in Bangkok. He’s hilarious (but the truths are bitter), so I am glad to present the next take: […]

  3. […] Netzwerke im Wissensmanagement ein immer wiederkehrendes Thema in meinen Diskussionen rund um den Bangkok Workshop zu Knowledge Management Implementation: Wissen wird so bspw. in Japan noch hauptsächlich in direktem persönlichem Kontakt (und […]