Interview on Strategic Innovation

Alex Osterwalder of Arvetica published today a video interview with (technology management) professor Bill Fischer of Lausanne’s IMD on (strategic) innovation.

I encourage you to drop by their site and have a look at this nicely done interview, which btw also sheds light on some of the issues that govern business model innovation:

In the webcast Bill reminds us that innovation is not a goal in itself […] there must be a reason to innovate, for example, driven by clients, or driven by revelations about how an organization operates inside. He also underlines that innovation won’t happen on its own and that it is based on a strong leadership commitment.

Fischers program Driving Strategic Innovation (DSI) (“faster innovation across the value chain”) looks certainly interesting. Yet I am not sure whether starting with value chains is the right thing to do, when value nets and “business ecosystems” provide a more concise perspective of these complex contexts we call “competitive landscapes”, where adaptivity and connectivity rules business model innovation and design.

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