Posts Tagged ‘language’

Pinboard bookmarks for December 7th

Pinboard links for December 7th, syndicated automagically: Bildung nach dem digitalen Klimawandel: Das Buch verdunstet in die Wolke – – Tatsächlich änderte sich dann in den Klassenzimmern aber gar nicht viel. Bis heute blieb es im Prinzip bei dem System, das sich Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts zusammen mit der industriell-bürokratischen Organisation herausgebildet hatte: Der […]

Bookmarks for November 5th through November 6th

These are my links for November 5th through November 6th: Networked Society ‘On the Brink’ – I favorited a YouTube video: In On The Brink we discuss the past, present and future of connectivity with a mix of people including David Rowan, chief editor of Wired UK; Caterina Fake, founder of Flickr; and Eric Wahlforss, […]

The language of management is devoid of meaning

I noticed a brilliant essay on managerial speak and the complexities of management practice, namely matters of language, some extracts: [in Management] language has become untethered from normal meaning. Sometimes it floats free of reality altogether. and is supported by a comprehensive literature in which imaginary concepts and attributes are earnestly described and referenced, as […]