Pinboard bookmarks for March 4th

Pinboard links for March 4th, syndicated automagically:

  • RB 192: Wikis, Teaching, and the Digital Divide | Berkman Center – Technology has made us all kinds of promises when it comes to transforming the way we learn — not least of which was the promise to break the "digital divide." The ease of communication promised by the web would allow the economically disenfranchised to have access to ideas and collaborative resources more commonly found in affluent schools. So it is assumed. In fact there is some evidence showing that some educational technologies are used less effectively in poor schools than in rich ones. Today's guest, Berkman Fellow Justin Reich, gathered data on the usage of some 180,000 publicly accessible wikis used for collaboration and education in school settings for his report The State of Wiki Usage in U.S. K-12 Schools: Leveraging Web 2.0 Data Warehouses to Assess Quality and Equity in Online Learning Environments. What he found was that wikis were generally less helpful to poor schools than conventional wisdom might have us believe.
  • Microsoft v Google: How not to win friends and influence people | The Economist – Lobbying is what companies do. Google indeed dominates online search. Concerns about its privacy practices are spreading. Microsoft should not have a hard time flagging up its competitor’s faults. Which makes it all the more remarkable that ICOMP does such a lousy job of it—and shows no sign of easing up despite all the resulting bad publicity for its partner.
  • Lies that Losers Tell // ben’s blog – When a company starts to lose its major battles, the truth often becomes the first casualty. CEOs and employees work tirelessly to develop creative narratives that help them avoid dealing with the obvious facts. Despite their intense creativity, many companies often end up with the exact same false explanations.
  • Cradle To Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things – In Cradle to Cradle, McDonough and Braungart argue that the conflict between industry and the environment is not an indictment of commerce but an outgrowth of purely opportunistic design. The design of products and manufacturing systems growing out of the Industrial Revolution reflected the spirit of the day-and yielded a host of unintended yet tragic consequences. Today, with our growing knowledge of the living earth, design can reflect a new spirit. In fact, the authors write, when designers employ the intelligence of natural systems—the effectiveness of nutrient cycling, the abundance of the sun's energy—they can create products, industrial systems, buildings, even regional plans that allow nature and commerce to fruitfully co-exist. Cradle to Cradle maps the lineaments of McDonough and Braungart's new design paradigm, offering practical steps on how to innovate within today's economic environment. Part social history, part green business primer, part design manual, the book makes plain that the re-invention of human industry is not only within our grasp, it is our best hope for a future of sustaining prosperity.
  • Antonio Gramsci – Ein Klassiker – Was ist eine Gesellschaft? Welcher Konsens hält sie zusammen und die bestehende Ordnung aufrecht? Wie wird dieser Konsens organisiert? Welches ist die Bedeutung der Tradition, der Intellektuellen, der Ideen in diesem Feld? Wie wird eine Weltauffassung, eine bestimmte Vorstellung von Gesellschaft dominant? Es sind dies die Fragen, die Gramsci aufwarf, und bei deren Klärung er uns ein ganz beträchtliches Stück weiterbrachte. Es sind dies, wie leicht einzusehen ist, die brennendsten Fragen für uns, heute.
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