Posts Tagged ‘innovation-process’

Paying lip service to innovation

I’ve said it before, here’s another take, go and read the whole piece by Jeffrey Phillips: Will it require a dire situation in every company before they remake themselves to provide the products, services and business models people actually want? Why is most management action taken in periods of desperation rather than the result of […]

Big company innovation …

… well, “is it possible and why doesn’t it happen more often?” – that’s the topic of this podcast (mp3) with Bill Taylor, co-author of “Mavericks at Work” and writer of the “Game Changer” blog at HBS. They are discussing his post on cross-boundary disruption, asking why big, successful companies, with vast technological and financial […]

Notes from the Business Innovation Factory (BIF) Summit

No, I haven’t been to Providence (RI) but I have followed the numerous writeups available on the BIF blog and at other places (like e.g. mindmaps by Jeff de Cagna: Day 1 and Day 2, numerous other blogs like here and here). The conference would have been fun for sure, given its topic of “collaborative […]

Why Some Technologies Take Off and Others Crash and Burn

Im eLAB-Blog von Holtzbrinck gefunden: ein Review von Pip Coburns “The Change Function: Why Some Technologies Take Off and Others Crash and Burn“. Grundlegende These von Coburn ist es, dass generell die große Mehrzahl neuer Technologien (und Geschäftsinitiativen) scheitert – so weit nichts neues. Pragmatischer sind die konstruktiv gemeinten Fragen, die dabei helfen können, zum […]

Technology, Innovation and Organization (for complex organizational settings)

Irving Wladawsky-Berger has an interesting post that relates complex organizational systems, innovation management (processes) and the use of social software in the enterprise (you know why I find this interesting …): […] the opportunities to leverage the huge advances in technologies, standards and communications to enable us to look at a whole organization – an […]

Let’s welcome the new blog on the block …

… called NEXT Innovation Tools & Trends, see here at BusinessWeek: What comes next? BusinessWeek Innovation Editors Jessi Hempel and Helen Walters chronicle new tools for creativity and collaboration, innovation case studies in both the corporate and social sectors, and the new ideas that have the power to change the way things have always been […]

Designers are arrogant and ignorant

Catchy title, huh? Via Dominic Basulto: a rant by Bruce Nussbaum on designers, citing this little gem: Innovation, design, eco-imagination, just call it whatever they want to call it and do your design thing. That’s the spirit … of business model innovators and designers, doing the design thingy.