Posts Tagged ‘mistakes’

Bookmarks for March 11th through March 12th

These are my links for March 11th through March 12th: Why I Want My Daughter to be a Hacker « OffMyGourd – Hackers are simply empowered individuals that want to figure things out for themselves.  With hacker properly defined, let’s get to the meat, why I want my daughter to be a hacker 1. Hackers […]

Fehlentscheider im Management

Interessant, aber nicht überraschend – oder? Erst der schnelle Entschluss macht den Manager zum Chef. Denkt der Manager – und irrt. Zudem fällt es offenbar einem Fünftel der Firmenchefs schwer, dem “Entscheider”-Klischee zu entsprechen. Entscheidungsfallen, begrenzte Rationalität, die Unfähigkeit in komplexen Situationen den Durchblick oder den Überblick zu behalten sind nicht erst seit Dörner u.a. […]

Critical Thinking

an interesting article on critical thinking and how to deal with decision problems (and faults/pathologies/…). Notice this nice summary: Make sure you understand the logic behind your decision. Identify your assumptions and double-check them. Collect the data that will support or disprove your assumptions. Deliberately consider the situation from multiple frames. Remember the people! Think […]

It’s What You Do …

An interesting review of a management book … called “It’s Not What You Say… It’s What You Do” by Laurence Haughton …. some noted gems: Laurence begins the book with a startling statistic. Fifty percent of company initiatives fall through the cracks within two years. and Most managers have a tendency to leap to conclusions, […]

Shaping the Future

Interesting article … tagline is that [scientific] uncertainty often becomes an excuse to ignore long-term problems … noting that “those who make decisions tend to stay focused on the next fiscal quarter, the next year, the next election” … well, yes, this is just the way it is … and the authors developed ideas how […]