Posts Tagged ‘networks’

Total vernetzt

Das Handelsblatt mit einem neuen Beitrag in der Web2.0 Serie, das dabei kurzerhand auf Web 3.0 aufgebohrt wird … Rund um den Globus arbeiten Forscher am Internet von übermorgen. Das Web 3.0 wird intelligenter sein, schneller – und auch allgegenwärtig. Inhaltlich geht es u.a. um semantische Technologien, Fragen des ubiquitären Zugangs, Agententechnologien etc. … schön […]

Cluster: Gemeinsam stark sein

ad Wertschöpfungscluster und (Innovations-)Netzwerke, ein Artikel der FAZ zu einer Initiative in Hessen, dem Projekt CEO (Cluster Entrepreneurship Offensive) und dem Innovationsnetz „Materials Valley“: In diesem als Verein organisierten „Cluster“ arbeiten Industrieunternehmen, Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute auf dem Gebiet der Materialforschung und der Werkstofftechnik zusammen.

Whole New Web

The Web is no longer for idle wanderings or passive viewing. Believe in BusinessWeek it is about socializing, sharing – and creating …well yes, for one, it is a Web 2.0 … see this cool meme-map I spotted by Peter Forret, read on the new web or have a look at some old posts of […]

State of the telcos …

David Weinberger is putting together some lightly written notes on the state of the telecom industry and the emerging (technology) trends … he’s been listening to AT&T’s CTO at Harvard. Lesebefehl!

From the Internet to Your TV

interesting article in Business Week about IPTV business model innovation and its problems, using Akimbo as example (here is the engadget piece …). notice this Akimbo’s subscription service plays on the strength of IPTV — narrowcasting — by offering a mix of esoteric and mainstream programs […] IPTV, can take an alternative role: narrowcasting. A […]

Shaken entertainment industry

Nice little article on the complexities of new media … where the consumer is in control, noting that TV has moved from being a fairly passive medium into this digital era […] Audiences expect more control and greater access to stuff. and highlighting the need for business model innovation, e.g. multi channel offerings: […] TV […]

Television Reloaded

Interesting set of stories on the future of TV, focusing on the digital revolution and innovative new business models. Note this CBS has plans to post two or three separate endings for its popular “CSI” series on the Web, and the broadcaster is also looking into VOD over the Internet. and this Analysts like Sanford […]