Posts Tagged ‘networks’

Innovating Faster & Smarter in a Networked World

Time for a little weekend reader? With The Global Brain: Your Roadmap for Innovating Faster & Smarter in a Networked World Satish Nambisan and Mohanbir Sawhney want to provide a roadmap for “innovating faster and smarter in a networked world”. Sounds promising, communities of creation, innovation networks, open market innovation and crowdsourcing and more: To […]

Everywhere I go, there is Facebook …

Not sure how it is for you but for me it seems everywhere I go, there is Facebook. Yes, right … and thanks to Jenny Ambrozek of 21st Century Organization for giving me a tour.

Jumpstarting innovation (and how to leverage collaboration …)

There are two interesting articles/working papers in Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge. The first one is “Jumpstarting Innovation: Using Disruption to Your Advantage” by Lynda Applegate: Mature companies understand that to compete today they need to innovate. But finding sources of innovation while still paying attention to the current business can be a struggle. The […]

The Impact of Web 2.0 and Emerging Social Network Models

Wieder ein Note to myself, ein Webcast einer Diskussionsrunde vom World Economic Forum 2007: Caterina Fake, Bill Gates, Chad Hurley, Mark Parker, Viviane Reading, Dennis Kneale und Peter Schwartz diskutieren über das Web 2.0 als soziales Phänomen … The rapid rise of online social networks is both a social and business phenomenon, the impact of […]

The Power of Networks

Web 2.0 is About Controlling Data

Read this interview with Tim O’Reilly in Wired published just before Web 2.0 Expo. He knows his stuff in and out, so this interview makes for excellent reading – even on a sunny sunday morning … Take this excerpt as proof, on platforms and network effects: [Wired News]: So you think that (control of data) […]

Innovation in the Age of Mass Collaboration

Sehr schön, BusinessWeek zu Innovation in the Age of Mass Collaboration: A new breed of 21st-century enterprise is emerging—one that opens its doors to the world; co-innovates with everyone, especially customers; shares resources that were previously closely guarded; harnesses the power of mass collaboration; and behaves not as a multi-national, but as something new: a […]