Posts Tagged ‘video’

Pinboard bookmarks for November 3rd

Pinboard links for November 3rd, syndicated automagically: Change Management is the Foundation of a Social Organization | Social Business News – The foundation for social organization transformation is culture and leadership. Process and technology initiatives are certainly important and play a vital role; but without a change in organizational behavior it will prove meaningless. Change […]

Bookmarks for November 1st through November 2nd

These are my links for November 1st through November 2nd: Männig – Lesetipps aus Instapaper in WordPress – Wählt man nun für die statische Lesetipps-Seite unter Attribute das Template lesetipps.php aus, dann werden auf der Seite die von Instapaper per Feed gelieferten Artikel als Liste angezeigt und zum Originalartikel verlinkt. Freilich muss die URL im […]

Pinboard bookmarks for October 31st

Pinboard links for October 31st, syndicated automagically: Social Experience Design: one method, two tools, three tips, the lecture • Intense Minimalism – Social Experience Design with elements of business, strategy and change management How to Convince Your Friends to Use Linux Without Being a Jerk | TechSource – The Show Don’t Tell policy also applies […]

Back to mixing things up …

I want to reanimate my social blogging life (the story about how hard it is when you’re stuck and tangled up in NDA-ed consulting stuff will be told sometime …) – but during this perfect geek night it’s easy. Sitting in the shack, listening to extended Google IO keynotes and sessions noting that Google Music […]

20 years of goodness

20 years of goodness distilled into three minutes … cool as it can be: I remember making my first baby steps with Linux in the early nineties, thanks to a friend and early evangelist who showed me the sensation … and after some Xenteded Pause I reclimbed the wagon around Hoary times. No regrets, no.

Bildung und Kreativität

… irgendwie bewegen mich diese Themen diese Tage mehr als sonst – passend dazu ein visualisierter Vortrag von Ken Robinson, quasi ein bewegtes Tafelbild:

Visualization for Management

A short interview with Xplane founder and author Dave Gray – I need want to write a short review of Gamestorming (“A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers”) – bought it but haven’t come around to read it thoroughly. So far I just skipped through it (which isn’t that incomaptible with it, but still)