Bookmarks for November 1st through November 2nd

These are my links for November 1st through November 2nd:

  • Männig – Lesetipps aus Instapaper in WordPress – Wählt man nun für die statische Lesetipps-Seite unter Attribute das Template lesetipps.php aus, dann werden auf der Seite die von Instapaper per Feed gelieferten Artikel als Liste angezeigt und zum Originalartikel verlinkt. Freilich muss die URL im Codeschnipsel durch die von Instapaper individuell gelieferte Verzeichnisadresse ersetzt werden. Ebenso kann die Zahl der angezeigten Artikel – im gezeigten Beispiel sind es 25 – individuell eingestellt werden. Weiteren Basteleien sind natürlich keine Grenzen gesetzt.
  • Socialize Me: 10 Social Business Myths – Busted!– In the video, Richardson talks about the following myths:
    Social is “new”
    Social is a waste of time
    Social will get out of control
    You can prove social during a pilot
    People love to share all they know
    Social will replace email completely
    Microblogging is useless
    You know what your people want in a social solution
    Social is just noise
    Adoption is the measure of success
  • The Sharebros Are Building a Google Reader Replacement – Technology – The Atlantic Wire – So far, the Sharebro community seems pumped about the new open-source Reader alternative. “I’m definitely excited about it,” Stu Watson told us in an email, “It seems like Francis is trying to preserve the elements of Google Reader that have been lost in Google+.”
  • Google Reader Backlash: A Fuss Over nothing? The Atlantic – A Google Reader/Google+ integration is not inherently a bad thing. I like and use both services and I have thought for a while that each could be improved by linking it with the other. But on the details, this integration is a let-down. Ultimately, what it shows, is that Google was willing to kill off Reader’s sharing communities to save Google+. It’s easy to see why Google would make that choice, but that doesn’t lessen the disappointment and anger of those who just lost their favorite place on the web.

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