Posts Tagged ‘innovation’

Bookmarks for March 11th through March 12th

These are my links for March 11th through March 12th: Why I Want My Daughter to be a Hacker « OffMyGourd – Hackers are simply empowered individuals that want to figure things out for themselves.  With hacker properly defined, let’s get to the meat, why I want my daughter to be a hacker 1. Hackers […]

Pinboard bookmarks for February 16th

Pinboard links for February 16th, syndicated automagically: The destructive desktop — Linux in trouble? | Pas un Geek en tant que tel – So if you believe in the principles behind UNIX and Open Source, please don't write software which requires any of the Gnome/KDE and DBus API. Writing X11 programs with xcb and proper […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 20th

Pinboard links for December 20th, syndicated automagically: Enterprise 2.0 Exchange Symposium _ Why we need to rething systems management – Why we need to rethink systems thinking in Enterprise 2.0 and Social Business. Social Media HR geht ab(wärts) : Personalmarketingblog – Gerne wird Social Media im Personalmanagement von manchen Medienvertretern und Dienstleistern schon wieder totgeschrieben. […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 16th

Pinboard links for December 16th, syndicated automagically: Is Your Organization Fit for Heretics? | Management Innovation eXchange – Why indeed? Because too many people still work in organizations that resemble the IBM of their grandfather's (or great-grandfather's) day–organizations designed to exert tight control at the expense of autonomy, to maximize compliance and conformance over individual […]

"First, heretics need other heretics

Recalling her early encounters with the leaders of the Intellipedia project, Sean Dennehy and Don Burke, Medina says, "we found each other and formed the rebel alliance." Second, iconoclasts may be inconvenient but they're inevitable in any institution. Bank on it, Medina advises leaders in every realm of endeavor: "you all have heretics. They are […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 14th

Pinboard links for December 14th, syndicated automagically: From social intranets to collaboration ecosystems – Forbes – the five pillars of social intranets: Information. To be social, an intranet must allow information to easily flow vertically and horizontally, and allow employees to express themselves in various ways (articles, status updates, comments, content sharing…). Knowledge. Content repositories […]

"TR: Das ist ein ganze Menge

Wie organisieren Sie diese große Erfindungsfabrik? Myhrvold: Die meisten unserer Erfindungen entstehen in sogenannten "Invention Sessions". Das heißt, eine Gruppe von Menschen kommt zusammen, sammelt und diskutiert Ideen in einer Art Brainstorming. Dieses Verfahren widerspricht aber allem, was Ihnen sogenannte Kreativitätsberater als erfolgversprechendes Brainstorming verkaufen. Wir achten zwar darauf, dass die Sitzungen grundsätzlich strukturiert sind, […]