Posts Tagged ‘HBR’

these are like a subset of the thing I just shared from Ross…

these are like a subset of the thing I just shared from Ross … overlapping and still less marketing-sidey 🙂 #hbr Reshared post from +Jay Deragon Embedded Link Six Social Media Trends for 2012 Each year at this time, I look forward and predict trends in social media for the coming year. But first, […]

Bookmarks for November 10th through November 11th

These are my links for November 10th through November 11th: Learn Linux, 302 (Mixed environments): Print services – In this article, learn to: Create and configure printer sharing Configure integration between Samba and the Common UNIX® Print System (CUPS) Manage Windows® print drivers, and configure downloads of print drivers Configure the [print$] share Understand security […]

Better Decisions Through Analytics

I know of at least one person that will dig this Harvard Business IdeaCast: Better Decisions Through Analytics with Tom Davenport, Babson College professor and coauthor of “Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results.” Go tiger, grab the mp3.

Design Thinking and Five Challenges of Design-led Organizations

Time again for a design-thinking post – got triggered by the Küchenradio: Simon Blake arbeitet an der D-School am privat finanzierten Hasso-Plattner-Institut der Uni Potsdam. Das “Design Thinking” will für große Probleme schnell praktische Lösungen finden. Wie das geht und was bisher gelöst wurde […] Here’s the mp3 (yes, german language). Then via Michael Altendorf […]

The New Science of Human Capital

There’s a new HBR IdeaCast, featured guest is John Boudreau, coauthor of Beyond HR: The New Science of Human Capital, calling for an expanded role of HR, as talent is scarce and its allocation is of pivotal importance for competitive advantage and need new organizational design decisions and changed leadership. Here’s the mp3. This also […]

Mass Career Customization

This podcast of HBR’s IdeaCast looks interesting, but, well, I haven’t checked it out yet … Harvard Business Online’s Steve Singer talks with Cathleen Benko, co-author of Mass Career Customization: Aligning the Workplace with Today’s Nontraditional Workforce. Here’s the book descripition (via Amazon), and you may learn more about the authors at Deloitte: Far-reaching changes […]

Six Rules for Accurate Effective Forecasting

Paul Saffo has the cover of the latest issue of Harvard Business Review, with an essay on “Six Rules for Accurate Effective Forecasting“. Moreover here’s the mp3 of HBR’s ideacast, where Cathy Olofson talks with (veteran Silicon Valley-based forecaster, they call him) Paul Saffo about his article. One of many memorable quote from the article […]