Business model innovation platform, book and workshops

DE: Ankündigung eines Geschäftsmodellinnovations-Workshops von Alex Osterwalder, und ein paar Worte zur kollaborativen Plattform auf der sein neuestes Buch entsteht.

My friend and consulting peer Alexander Osterwalder is organising a business model innovation workshop at Geneva on the 22. (you might ponder Mumbai or Bangalore, India as well, he’s there end of January).

This is interesting stuff and a good opportunity to learn about business model innovation in a small working group setting. Alex knows this space really well – he’s done extensive scientific work and blogs and consults in this space for years now. And I like his pragmatic design model for conceptualizing business models, which goes into a fine combination with a lively style of facilitating workshopping. That said, you’re probably interested in joining his book platform and business model innovation community, so you can help with feedback and profit from his thought leadership early on. The book will be published May/June ’09 and you can get 50% off the print copy & a free digital copy too.

Disclaimer: see sentence one, moreover I am participating in the community too

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