Posts Tagged ‘motivation’

Pinboard bookmarks for December 20th

Pinboard links for December 20th, syndicated automagically: Stop talking about “social” » THINK OUTSIDE IN – while we're moving from connecting people to information to connecting people to people …. social is also about noise-signal filtering, in our information environment. Social circles can add value only if we power them with our time and passion […]

Pinboard bookmarks for December 16th

Pinboard links for December 16th, syndicated automagically: Best Company Values Explanation Ever – Business: Community Advocates: Your Secret Weap… | Jive Community – The tactical way in which you locate or engage with your advocates may vary based upon the type of community (employee, customer, product support, etc.), but the principles I’ll describe below can […]

Bookmarks for November 10th through November 11th

These are my links for November 10th through November 11th: Learn Linux, 302 (Mixed environments): Print services – In this article, learn to: Create and configure printer sharing Configure integration between Samba and the Common UNIX® Print System (CUPS) Manage Windows® print drivers, and configure downloads of print drivers Configure the [print$] share Understand security […]

Bookmarks for November 6th through November 7th

These are my links for November 6th through November 7th: Usability-Studie: Ist Google+ nicht benutzerfreundlich und intuitiv genug? – guter Kommentar: "Als ich mich zum ersten Mal mit G+ beschäftigte, bin ich mit dem Vorsatz daran gegangen, das es sich hier nicht um Facebook handelt, also hab ich auch erwartet, dass einiges anders ist als […]

Happy weekend ;)

Via 9gag – by mrianda

Motivation with carrots and sticks …

… doesn’t work when dealing with creative, hard to pre-plan types of work. Knowledge work, yes. Much better to equip people with autonomy, mastery and a sense of purpose. And that’s putting up some interesting questions with regard to leadership styles (command and control is doomed …), the organization and improving of collaborative work (facilitating […]