Pinboard bookmarks for December 20th

Pinboard links for December 20th, syndicated automagically:

  • Stop talking about “social” » THINK OUTSIDE IN – while we're moving from connecting people to information to connecting people to people …. social is also about noise-signal filtering, in our information environment. Social circles can add value only if we power them with our time and passion (since humans give back only on certain circumstances, while search engines give “one shot auto-learning fast answers”).
  • Social Intranets in Social Business – About 2 years ago, we started aggressively using the platform for a number of internal processes (for example, bug tracking). There were two things that we noticed pretty quickly: (1) It was really easy to see where we needed to add features or to change the way things worked to make them simpler (labelled the “dog food” effect in the software industry). (2) It really did improve how well we worked. Making it easy to discuss, organize, vote on things, etc. really did help us make better decisions and provide a transparent record of how we got from one place to another in our thinking.
  • Remembering Email | TechCrunch – You tech bloggers need to understand that no-one (this also applies MG Siegler who also hates email) has any problems with email. You're like 0.01% of the email population. Email isn't going away, same for texting…replacing it with any proprietary closed system would be like going two decades back

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