Posts Tagged ‘atlassian’

Pinboard bookmarks for December 16th

Pinboard links for December 16th, syndicated automagically: Best Company Values Explanation Ever – Business: Community Advocates: Your Secret Weap… | Jive Community – The tactical way in which you locate or engage with your advocates may vary based upon the type of community (employee, customer, product support, etc.), but the principles I’ll describe below can […]

#atlassian #companyculture and #video too

"As our thoughts turn towards non-work tasks for the holidays, I came across what I think is perhaps the best explication of a corporate values statement from Atlassian here. Ironically, it is NSFW, somewhat. I liked its playfulness but with a core of solid sensibility too. " NSFW on a TGIF 😉 Embedded Link Best […]