Posts Tagged ‘management’

Chaos-Guru im Maßanzug

Via Interessante Zeiten: ein Porträt von Tom Peters (der übrigens hier bloggt bzw. bloggen lässt) in Spiegel Online: “Chaos-Guru im Maßanzug“. Treffendes Porträt, das auch die Schattenseiten dieses Charismatikers nicht ausspart: Worin seine Kernthesen genau liegen, ist nicht immer leicht auszumachen – der große Systematiker ist Peters nicht. Nun ja, ich habe seine Bücher trotzdem […]

Food for your ears … and the thing in between

Well, I said “not on a regular basis“, thus I may put out big posts from time to time. Here’s one of them, a collection of podcasts that somehow catched my eye: Starting off with Episode 082 of the Project Management Podcast, called Monkey Management for Project Teams: Wait… what’s that on your back? Could […]

Deloitte Review, check it out

Note to myself, check it out, via Management IQ: Introducing the first edition of Deloitte Review: As a resource, Deloitte’s journal is pretty much what you’d expect: A few interesting and potentially useful bits of research, a reminder of basic tenets you likely already know, and enough management speak to make even the most hardened […]

Management Tools of 2007

Bain & Co. recently published their annual report about the top Management Tools of 2007 (“Getting a handle on the tools executives use to grow their business”). Interesting isn’t the selection in itself, which is the “usual mix of usual suspects” – a compilation of tools, methods, attitudes and fads. What I found remarkable are […]

MIT Sloan Business Insight

Since September 14 MIT Sloan Management Review (in collaboration with the WSJ and IBM) offers another selection of “classic” articles for free in Business Insight: [which] answers 7 Crucial Questions: (1) How are companies driving innovation without relying on technological breakthroughs? (2) Why are global companies finding it harder to fill critical jobs, and what […]

Interview on Strategic Innovation

Alex Osterwalder of Arvetica published today a video interview with (technology management) professor Bill Fischer of Lausanne’s IMD on (strategic) innovation. I encourage you to drop by their site and have a look at this nicely done interview, which btw also sheds light on some of the issues that govern business model innovation: In the […]

Management IQ

Via Bob Sutton: BusinessWeek starts off another blog called Management IQ. Please, no shallow jokes about oxymorons and the like, I’ve had enough “business intelligence, har har” chatter for a lifetime. Read their mission statement and decide for yourself if you want to follow (RSS): How can you manage smarter? BusinessWeek writers Diane Brady, Michelle […]