MIT Sloan Business Insight

Business Insight WSJSince September 14 MIT Sloan Management Review (in collaboration with the WSJ and IBM) offers another selection of “classic” articles for free in Business Insight:

[which] answers 7 Crucial Questions:
(1) How are companies driving innovation without relying on technological breakthroughs?
(2) Why are global companies finding it harder to fill critical jobs, and what are smart companies doing about it?
(3) How can manufacturers avoid the distribution trap created by mega-retailers?
(4) How can companies build organizational networks that encourage innovation?
(5) Is the 24-hour knowledge factory becoming a reality?
(6) How can you use real-options analysis in strategic planning?
(7) What does it take to create successful innovation clusters?

Among the articles put up are Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration by Andrew P. McAfee and The New Principles of a Swarm Business by Peter Gloor and Scott Cooper. But there’s a real wealth of other essential papers linked there, so I guess it’s a good idea to check them out yourself as long as they last (which would be about 6 weeks up to the next edition of Business Insight).

  1. […] aus meinem BMID-Blog: Das MIT Sloan Management Review stellt (in Zusammenarbeit mit dem WSJ und IBM) einige interessante […]

  2. Your blog a great find. Thanks for the pointer to the Peter Gloor & Co article. I just attended a Prediction Markets Conference and seems all related.