Posts Tagged ‘collaborative’

das werde ich mir dann auch mal genauer anschauen – Stichwort: #collaborative #knowledge…

das werde ich mir dann auch mal genauer anschauen – Stichwort: #collaborative #knowledge #management und so 😉 Embedded Link Google Knol wird zu WordPress Projekt In diesem Jahr hörte man bereits ein paar Mal, dass Google erfolglose Dienste wie etwa Google Buzz und Google Wave einstellt. Am Dienstag gab der Suchmaschinengigant bekannt, dass auch die […]

Blog Search Engines

The WSJ has an interesting article about blog search engines like Technorati et al. … touching some business model points and asking which ones may pose a challenge to Google … The big general search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Corp.’s MSN do include blog pages in Web and news searches, but so […]

Collaborative Filtering and Recommendation Engines

Apple has started a new marketing approach – sending (mass) personalized e-mails to users of its online iTunes Music Store (iTMS). Basically, the suggestive strategy recommends different types of music and updates users about new album releases from previously bought artists … “This approach allows users to navigate from hits that they know they like […]