Posts Tagged ‘webservices’

Amazons services and business model innovations turning to Co-Production

An interesting take on the move towards co-production by that want to let customers build their own systems. The company, seen as a leader in the movement toward so-called software as a service applications, is making a bet on a new development system–called Multiforce–that lets partners and customers custom-tailor the software and build their […]

Update zu Web Mash-ups

Found this post by the guy who was interviewed by the folks of Business Week, noted in my post of late and adding to this other post … notice that he adds that the only issue that wasn’t addressed (based on the audience of BusinessWeek) was the ramifications of opening up your data as a […]

Mix, Match, And Mutate

Found this story on Web mash-ups in the new issue of BusinessWeek. These mash-ups combine and remix the data and services of different web sites into something entirely new, a kind of new hybrid web service: volunteer programmers are taking it upon themselves to combine and remix the data and services of unrelated, even competing […]