Posts Tagged ‘pricing’

Movie Mystery: Yield Management

This get’s it right, I’m still wondering why yield or revenue management has not yet made more inroads in business domains that should be ideally suited … it can’t be tradition after all? If you wanted to see paramount Pictures’ Dreamgirls during the first ten days of its release in December, you had to fork […]

I want my iTunes subscription service!

Great post over at BusinessWeek’s Tech Beat on the business model innovation issues Apple is facing. Well put, but there is more to it: even as Apple concentrates on the sell-the-hardware-model of old, enhanced by iTMS it still needs alternative paths. This is all about strategic flexibility and adaptivity in a marketspace that is complex. […]

Downloadable music business: Rent, lease or sell?

Found a good review of the current business models in online music stores … well, pricing models at least, noting some of the problems that are keeping them busy, like (shop) software complexity, procurement pricing and gaping holes in song catalogs. a lot has changed in the online music business since Apple opened its wildly […]

XBox 360 wird billiger als erwartet

Interessant dass Microsoft nun von Anfang an auf aggressives Pricing setzt, ich finde ein smart move, die wiederholten Preisrunden bei der Xbox 1 waren doch für die Kunden nur noch intransparent und nicht nachvollziehbar. Bleibt abzuwarten ob doch weiter Preisrunden kommen, vor allem im Vorfeld der Einführung der Playstation 3 …. Die Xbox 360 soll […]

Luring listeners to subscriptions?

Interesting piece on the subscription business model, questioning whether listeners that have grown accustomed to the iTunes pay-per-download business model will eventually also dig rental services like Yahoo’s music store. Granted, changing consumer behavior — renting, not buying music — will take time, while it’s hard to make money on new types of subscriptions […], […]

Abo oder Einzelkauf, part 2: Feels Like Owning

in addition to the post down below, some remarkeable insights, note this on the subscription business model in contrast to the single-download-pay-business model: The beauty of subscription services, beyond the inherent value of unlimited listening for a reasonable price, is that they feel free. […] beyond the inherent economic value of unlimited portability of a […]

Abo oder Einzelkauf von Musik …

Musik-Downloadabos, d.h. Subskriptionsdienste werden das vorherrschende Geschäftsmodell in der Internetmusikbranche werden … vermuten die Berater von Strategy Analytics. Das Downloadhandelskonzept, das mit iTunes so populär wurde, ist kostspielig und ineffizient. Der entscheidende Faktor für den Erfolg von Onlineabos [ist aber] der Druck der Rechteinhaber. Die großen Plattenfirmen [sind] mit den Umsatzanteilen bei Individualdownloads unzufrieden und […]