Posts Tagged ‘mergers-aquisition’

Design research and synergy

Bruce Nussbaum on why synergy is such an overrated concept, taking the DaimlerChrysler de-merger as trigger and arguing along design thinking lines: Why do most mergers fail? Mostly because they are top down, not bottom up. CEOs and senior managers see synergies and benefits that matter little, if at all, to consumers. Daimler thought that […]

Yahoo + Microsoft = Disaster?

BNET Intercom collects reactions and thoughts from the blogosphere, to whom it interests: So Microsoft and Yahoo are at it again. Speculation is running wild on whether the deal, that some have valued at $50 billion, will actually go down. But if it does, will a Microsoft and Yahoo marriage go down in flames ala […]

Formula for Innovation

Read this really interesting piece on ITW (Illinois Tool Works), touching points like growing through m&a’s, complexity management of organizational structures and above all the overall business model that guides them in their ways … ITW owes its outsize achievements to an unorthodox business model. Like many old-line outfits, ITW gets most of its growth […]