Posts Tagged ‘interview’

WebEx’s Diane Davidson: ‘We Defined a Community Ecosystem’

This looks like an interesting podcast interview by the Knowledge@Wharton team with WebEx’s Diane Davidson (mp3). When Google bought YouTube recently for $1.65 billion, the world of business sat up to take serious notice of social networks. Today, many companies are looking into how they can tap into — or develop — communities as a […]

Six Rules for Accurate Effective Forecasting

Paul Saffo has the cover of the latest issue of Harvard Business Review, with an essay on “Six Rules for Accurate Effective Forecasting“. Moreover here’s the mp3 of HBR’s ideacast, where Cathy Olofson talks with (veteran Silicon Valley-based forecaster, they call him) Paul Saffo about his article. One of many memorable quote from the article […]

About Entrepreneurs, an interview with Martin Varsavsky

Via gründerszene I learned of this video of an interview with Martin Varsavsky, where he’s speaking about entrepreneurship, FON, innovation on the internet, timing for innovators and more: Link: I dig his take on the different flavours of entrepreneurs, even when these stereotypes always remind me of one thing … Copycat-Unternehmer: Der erste Unternehmertyp […]

Interview on Strategic Innovation

Alex Osterwalder of Arvetica published today a video interview with (technology management) professor Bill Fischer of Lausanne’s IMD on (strategic) innovation. I encourage you to drop by their site and have a look at this nicely done interview, which btw also sheds light on some of the issues that govern business model innovation: In the […]

Nutzung kollektiver Intelligenz

Vermutlich das 101te Interview mit Tim O’Reilly, dieses mal von der Deutschen Welle: “Es geht um die Nutzung kollektiver Intelligenz”. Einerseits eher für Einsteiger, andererseits auch für Visionäre geeignet (erinnert sich eigentlich noch jemand an Helmut Schmidts Aphorismus?), die bei Begriffen wie “künstliche Intelligenz” oder “weltweites elektronisches Gehirn” wohlige Schauer bekommen.

Everything is Miscellaneous … The Power of the Digital Disorder

More on Everything is Miscellaneous by David Weinberger at IT Conversations (mp3): In Everything Is Miscellaneous, David Weinberger charts the new principles of digital order that are remaking business, education, politics, science, and culture. In his rollicking tour of the rise of the miscellaneous, he examines a number of topics to illustrate this change. He […]

Innovation Through Design Thinking

This is an interesting podcast interview with Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO on the theme of “Innovation Through Design Thinking” (mp3), some BMID-coverage. Where is design thinking taking us? The role of design is evolving within organizations, from simply optimizing what exists to being a source of new growth. The change is thrusting designers into […]