Posts Tagged ‘SaaS’

Outmanouevring elephants

Nice image building up: McKinsey and SandHill surveyed the software landscape (Enterprise software customer survey 2008, pdf) and find benefit in the SaaS-model. Nicholas Carr analyzes that Software’s new battle lines are becoming visible, citing from the report: These trends – the growing acceptance of SaaS and SaaS platforms – are likely to create a […]

Nick Carr on SaaS …

Yesterday evening I was catching up with some boomarked videos, here’s another one worth pointing out: Nick Carr “discussing the business implications of on-demand software with guys from Accenture, Deloitte, Business Objects and Bluewolf”: The discussion revolves around on how IT is deployed and used, where Carr highlights that there is a shift going on […]

Coopetition in “as a service”: Enterprise Content Management …

Mike Gotta thinks that Salesforce’s Koral move (Apex Content) puts them in competition with Cisco that recently acquired WebEx: At some point, Salesforce needed to respond to the productivity, content and collaboration platform Cisco can exploit given WebEx WebOffice and WebEx Connect. I would add that Salesforce clearly moves to take a stance against other […]

Microsoft and Software Business Models of the Future

Knowledge@Wharton: New models of software pricing and distribution are becoming increasingly popular. […] on the increase: “on-demand” software where customers rent software applications when they need them and pay only for what they use. All of these models pose unique threats to Microsoft, […] the two biggest competitive threats to Microsoft are open source software […]

SaaS Software Business Modelle

SaaS, Software as a Service, soll nach Gartner eine der Top-5 Technologien für 2005 werden, u.a. weil: Geschäftshypothesen und -strategien der Softwareanbieter müssen sich ändern, damit sie überleben und bei der natürlichen IT-Auslese in den Jahren 2004 bis 2006 übrig bleiben. Viele frühere Erfolgsrezepte sind für die Zukunft nicht mehr geeignet. Vor einigen Jahren gab […]