Posts Tagged ‘blogging’

Kulturkampf – über das Leben in zwei Welten

Gerade erst das Teaser-Bild zum Zeit-Blog Kulturkampf gesehen – das ist doch eine Anspielung die ich nicht verstehen kann und will: Wer sagt denn dass man Kröten schlucken muss um ein Silver Surfer zu werden?

Theme “Takeshi”

via Ben testet ein neues Theme – ich finde es ganz großartig in seiner Reduktion … Posted via web from frogpond’s posterous

Goodbye, old template

This blog got newly renovated, I did this mainly because my template of long had gathered a bit of dust (and I refrained from teaching it new tricks …). So here and for mainly nostalgic reasons a glimpse back into the past, my modified template, thanks to Chetan Kunte for Plain Vanilla:

Open notebook science

On Science Blogging, in IT Conversations: Jean-Claude Bradley, an associate professor of chemistry at Drexel University, is a pioneering practitioner of open notebook science. On this edition of Interviews with Innovators, Bradley explains to host Jon Udell that he believes scientific research happens better and faster when the entire process is transparently narrated online (mp3).

AAL im Speaker’s Corner?

Hehe, Open/Mass Inovation und AAL-Prinzip bei Robert Basic – ob das wohl allseits wachsame Distanzgutachter (TRM) auf den Plan ruft? Also mal sehen, was hab ich dann so als E-Content-Distributionskanäle: – Blogs 1, 2, 3, 4 – Microblogs (Twitter, Jaiku, …) – und natürlich das ein oder andere öffentliche und halböffentliche Wiki Und nun auch […]

Food for your ears … and the thing in between

Well, I said “not on a regular basis“, thus I may put out big posts from time to time. Here’s one of them, a collection of podcasts that somehow catched my eye: Starting off with Episode 082 of the Project Management Podcast, called Monkey Management for Project Teams: Wait… what’s that on your back? Could […]

How to leave light blogging behind …

Not too soon, here comes part three on how to leave light blogging behind. The idea is to post such enormous amounts of good content that everybody just gets blasted away – i.e. give ’em enough material in many, huge posts, material that lasts for quite a few cold and dark winter nights, so you […]