‘English posts’ Archive

Hardware will cut you

Via Makezine, more stuff todo

Learn programming

Now that the weekend has arrived (no longer TGIF feelings) some neat inspiration is creeping up, ie. how to use this tool for creativity and imagination: Daniel Shiffman from Mark Webster on Vimeo.

Rebooting businesses

Just listened to the Harvard Business School Ideacast with Don Tapscott, chairman of nGenera Insight and coauthor of “Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World”. Here’s the mp3 of the 15 minute interview.


The world is full of interesting things … via Kottke

Enter the workweek …

and have a laugh Banksy-Simpsons-Style – via Kitsune Noir

Managers Need to Ask for Help

I am (again) tempted to link this to another one, and then another one and on and on – great interview found via Ralf Lippold’s GReader recommendations.

The answer is something WE have to live together and co-create

I am tempted to tag this video – found via Ulrike – with #s21. And I am giving in, find a (german language) explanation at my other blog. It’s near to my heart, this #s21 thing.