Waiting for a holistic new NYT business model …

OK, so even when (as the NYT stops charging for content) the paid content model has taken a serious blow, the question remains what comes next. This isn’t only a question of revenue model or value proposition, i.e. thinking about what people will pay for, it’s a larger question of holistic business model design.

In the past I have already pondered some ideas for the media industry as a whole, most of it is still valid I assume. And yes, I am glad that the NYT has taken this step, I guess we’re in to see some really interesting moves from them. One of my guesses would be for them to further support connectivity between readers (and publishers) by allowing for ubiquitious commenting, forwarding and embedding of their content in other sites – this way moving the model from “shelling out content” to “letting users participate in content filtering and distributing”. As they have already taken some wise steps in this direction, e.g. by providing “bloggable” permalinks for their articles, I assume that they are willing to proceed even further.

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