TiVo will let subscribers choose ads

This is interesting. TiVo subscribers can subscribe to ads via a personalized profile. The TiVo device then scrapes fitting ads, which subscribers can watch when they want. So TiVo is expanding its business model smartly: Rather than alienating TV networks and advertisers with ad skipping functionality alone, they are offering a cool (opt-in) advertising channel that surely will command higher revenue for them.

This new feature will work in much the same way TiVo subscribers create ‘WishLists’ to find programs. But instead of Jimmy Stewart movies or TV shows about baseball, TiVo users would register a profile with the company based on their interests. Then, in a section of the TiVo menu system, they will find ads — short- and longform — based on their interests. Someone in the market for a new car would find ads for cars that someone who isn’t would never see, for instance. ‘What we’ve learned is, TiVo customers want to know about new products and services but on their own time’.

Related stuff (in German) here.

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