Posts Tagged ‘change-management’

Update on the 180º Academy

Putting people first has more information on 18o°Academy, so add this to my short entry. BTW, nice to see, that Richard Pascale, author of “Surfing the Edge of Chaos”, and who always highlighted the importance of emergence in organisations, is teaching change management – or as they put it: Transformation Management.


This is cool, the new SAP INFO magazine has a short article by Clayton Christensen and Mark Johnson of Innosight (“Growth through Innovation”), promising to demystify business model innovation. Here’s the podcast roundup. This is interesting stuff, basicallly because they have done a number of interviews to shed light on the issue, and because they […]

HBR _ Imagining the Company of the Future

Gary Hamel and the Harvard Business Review are asking people to imagine the Company of the Future: What will the company of the future look like? Will it be any different from today’s leading-edge businesses? What are the important ways in which today’s companies must change in order to thrive? The survey asks two questions: […]

AOL ready to reinvent itself …

Auch etablierte Spieler verlieren gelegentlich den Überblick welche Geschäftsmodelle Sinn machen … siehe bspw. diesen Artikel über neue Geschäftsmodellideen bei AOL. AOL hat offensichtlich Schwierigkeiten eine klare Linie zu finden: Teilangebote wie waren auch bisher schon allen Internetsurfern zugänglich, während die Unternehmensstrategie eigentlich darauf setzt sich im Internet als hochwertiger Bezahldienst zu etablieren, nun […]

Driving Strategic Innovation

This course looks wildly interesting … a six-day program for Cxx of companies that search future growth, focussing on organizational aspects of (business model) innovation management and more: Driving Strategic Innovation will change the way you, as a business leader, think about innovation and technology strategy, giving you a deeper, richer, more comprehensive roadmap for […]