Entrepreneurs = Hope+Creativity+Action

Funny, I had to think of some U.S. president of late who said that the poor state of France’s economy is related to the missing of a word like “entrepreneurship” in French 😉

But this video and especially what Mario wrote about it worked for me on many accounts: first, you don’t have to start your own business to think and act like an entrepreneur (think intrapreneur, will you?), second the action part which linked nicely to the topic of this year’s reboot conference (blogged about it here).

Interestingly missing is the traditional pomp & triumphal imagery and glorious music meant to celebrate the individual, meant to unconsciously promote objective selfishness. Instead, the communication is focused on the process of actualizing, the benefit that entrepreneurs can bring to society, the potential within us To Lead. To Start. To Innovate.

And that’s a deeper message underlying the entrepreneurial spirit: Hope + Creativity + Action
In essence, one doesn’t need to start or own a business. It’s about the capability to have a vision and see it through.

If we can change the map of how we see the world and our place in it, then it’s very possible to progress to a revitalized vision of what we truly want to see happen. For us. For ourselves. For what matters most to us.

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