Bookmarks for May 1st through May 5th

These are my links for May 1st through May 5th:

  • Buchstabenwortwert Rechner – BWW – Geocaching
  • jcline/fuse-google-drive · GitHub – fuse-google-drive is a fuse filesystem wrapper for Google Drive released under GPLv2

    Currently in preliminary development stages.

    directory listing works, incorrect stat() info
    redirecturi is now hardcoded — you do not need the file
    clientsecrets and client id should now be in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fuse-google-drive/

    #fuse-google-drive on

    json-c aka libjson

  • What (on earth!!) does a digital strategist do? – I sometimes struggle to explain to my clients why I, as a digital strategist, provide value above and beyond what they may get form the web designer, or the SEO specialist, or the communications person, etc.  It's not that these people don't add value by what they do (in fact, we couldn't do what we do without them!). But without the digital strategist to tie it all together and align the various digital tactics with the overall business strategy and goals, all of the other pieces probably wouldn't get the business where it needs to go.

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