Pinboard bookmarks for March 27th

Pinboard links for March 27th, syndicated automagically:

  • ThinkerToys : Converting eWaste into educational fun toys, openTOYS – As a designer and engineer, I asked myself what should I do, I do not have political or economical power enough to make a difference. eWaste and kids not interested in education. What should I do? Ah! there there, eWaste = partly functional gadgets at no cost and kids = maybe fun interactive toys made from those gadgets? With that thought, ThinkerToys started, converting eWaste into educational fun interactive toys. Tinkering was a central part of coming up with new toys, and these toys were made to make the kids think, and yes that's where the name comes from, Thinking X Tinkering = Thinkering.
  • 9 Social Media Hacks I Use Every Day | social media tools | Social Media Consulting – Convince & Convert – Social media isn’t inexpensive, it’s just different expensive. To do it well requires a tremendous time commitment, and regardless of what your life and lifestyle entails, the time you spend on social comes with an opportunity cost price tag. Thus, one of the characteristics that sets adept practitioners of social media apart from less successful adherents is wise use of time. Using your limited social media time wisely is all about going beyond the obvious activities. If you’re doing the exact same things everyone else is doing in social, I can guarantee you will not have an advantage. But, if you do some things differently, you may find activities where the reward is disproportionate to the effort. These nine efficiencies — hacks — are what you need to embrace right now.
  • – "Design the New Business." Spearheaded by designer/author/entrepreneur and TU Delft professor Erik Roscam Abbing, the doc is intended to demonstrate today's crucial interconnectedness of design and business by interviewing industry leaders from the likes of Philips Design, Intel, Volkswagen, Virgin Mobile, and many others.

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